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Username: doc
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 7:28 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.73 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Afilias - too big for comfort



Kiyu, you are saying what many of us feel, however we differ in our interpretation.

I'm sure if Microsoft, AT&T, Coca-cola, Macdonnalds and Texaco had got together they could have put down on paper what seemed to be a reasonably good application.

Obviously a company with a few billion in the bank has an advantage on day one over a company that does not have the same resources.

My concern is that if Afilias is alocated .web, .info and .site as you suggest, then they will have controle over almost the entire internet
(including .com via NSI and perhaps even .nom via CORE).

This is a bad thing.

It is not why we are here.

There is no doubt that the financial oomph which Afilias has access to can be used to expand the internet.

What is in doubt is that when the dust settles and the consumers (you and me) are looking for choice will we be able to get it?

If IOD is given .web then the Afilias stranglehold is still there but I suspect that they applied for .web as well because they fear the

If Afilias is given even one of the new TLDs then it will be too big a player for good competition.

Through its members it already has a vice grip on the net. The CORE association with its extra .nom application looks to increase that
further and then they apply for the three biggest TLD as well.

If they are interested in "competing" then they would have left .web alone and looked forward to the challenge.


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