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Username: marshm
Date/Time: Thu, October 19, 2000 at 4:01 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Some facts to help out here


Above, you wrote:

""There's nothing wrong with you selling domains in your own TLD as long as you don't claim that the whole Internet can see them now. Claiming otherwise is a false statement. Claiming, however, that you're doing everything in your power to make it so is true, though."
- Christopher Ambler

Christopher Ambler's email message regarding taking registrations that aren't valid and using choice wording so that it is "technically" legal. Way to go Chris. You should have become a lawyer. This legal "breakthrough" by Mr. Ambler sets the way for IOD to "legally" begin taking registrations that weren't valid. All under the guise of "trying our best"."

The registrations ARE valid, at least until ICANN and the applicants come to some agreement as to who runs .WEB.  They are just as valid as any other registration.  They are not, however, resolvable from the "traditional" root system, that most of the world uses.  It is resolvable by several other roots, though - each of them valid.

In fact, you could create your own root system (although this is obviously an oversimplification).  As long as there is no conflict, any operational root system will work.  In this manner, IOD and many other organizations have operated "alternative" or, if you prefer, "augmented" root systems, such as PACRoot and ORSC.

You should give them a try, or at least investigate them thoroughly, if for no other reason thatn to educate yourself fully on the issue.

Gene Marsh
Diebold Incorporated
[.cash, .global, .secure]


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