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Username: zzmars
Date/Time: Wed, October 18, 2000 at 6:37 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: After thorough research of applications, I agree with IOD...


I must admit after thouroughly researching IOD's application against Afilias' and some of the others, IOD truly stands as a fair balance between the individual and big-business. 

In addition, even though pre-registration seems unfair, it is much better than the round robin queueing approach that Afilias wishes to institute.  It is questionable whether one could even obtain a domain name during the "start-up period" under the Afilias approach.  And I do agree that Afilias stands for big business; their policy is centered around the trasferral of names on the mere iperception/i of trademark violation, among other things.

As a private citizen, I simply wish to obtain 3-5 quality names for future business prospects.  I am not trying to register hundreds of names simply for resale. 

As a new supporter of IOD, then, I feel that we should all be responsible when registering .web names.  Irresponsibility on our part could jeopardize IOD's reception of the .web gTLD.  I feel that most of us here simply want a few desirable names; we are not all like Mr. Brittan, who is trying to buy up every piece of ".web real estate."   Continued activities like this will surely place IOD at a significant disadvantage in the long-run.


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