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Username: keith246
Date/Time: Tue, October 17, 2000 at 3:42 AM GMT (Mon, October 16, 2000 at 9:42 PM CST)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Unrestricted gTLDs will waste the resource and solve nothing


        Unrestricted gTLDs will waste the resource and solve nothing.

Our problem is domain names are being used up by companies and individuals who register any name resembling their company and trading names, and registering simple words.  This has resulted in a situation where, in a few short years, reasonable domain names made of up simple english language words are in seriously short supply.

No experienced registrar of trademarks or company names anywhere in the world would allow the practice of granting multiple names without restriction -- and the problem the internet is experiencing, the quick exhaustion of names, is the reason.

Few experienced registrars would allow the granting of simple words to private companies as trademarks or corporate names because of the confusion this causes.

ICANN cannot permit these irresponsibile practices to continue.

1.  The renewal of gTLDs based on industry or type of audience must be contingent on that web site actively participating in or supporting that industry or audience.

2.  Registery in one gTLD must preclude in registry in another gTLD.  "Synonym registration" must end, except when done in different languages.

3.  Registration should be restricted to the official company name, official trademarks, or actual name of the person, with such modifications necessary to make it unique.

Domain name hogging must be addressed in any granting of gTLDs, or ICANN will face complaints of gross irresponsibility, and charges that it has set up a highly profitable system for priviliged registrars to make a lot of money for very little effort.


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