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Username: fabrcop
Date/Time: Tue, October 31, 2000 at 12:36 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Actually IOD should charge registrars less than $15


      The only point that I do not like in IOD application is
just this: registrars will be charged $15 (this is what I understand).
In reply to your post: I agree that this should be $5 or less.

I hope that this is negotiable with ICANN.
In other words, I hope that ICANN still can accept IOD's application,
recommending or forcing IOD to lower this cost.

About anything else: IOD's application is excellent and should
be accepted by ICANN. THe .web registry is already functioning and
can go online in a few weeks.

IMHO it was fair and NATURAL that Afilias and Neustar did NOT
file an application for .web , since they knew that there was a functioning and very good .web registry (IOD's registry) born in 1996,
when IANA wished to create new TLDs (that then were not created).

However, IOD's application is still the best and can give .web
to the Internet IMMEDIATELY. Afilias can be satisfied with .info
and Neustar with .site  .


Fabrizio Coppola



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