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Username: pilot
Date/Time: Mon, October 16, 2000 at 12:44 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5


                Based on the applications for .WEB, IOD meets or beats the Afilias application, in every area.  This is what I ascertain from the applications.  Additionally, current .WEB registrants have legal claim to their domain names.  Denying current .WEB registrations will trigger colossal litigation.  If IOD has been selling registrations illeagally, then ICANN should have made sure Chris Ambler and the other 3 (not including subcontractors) IOD staff members were all wearing prison garb by now.  ICANN's job includes alerting consumers of fraud this magnitude.  But only on September 29, 2000, did ICANN feel the need to alert consumers to spurious sales of "pre-registrations".  How could this pertain to IOD registrations?  If it did pertain to IOD registrations, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN POSTED 3 OR 4 YEARS AGO!   Obviously, IOD has committed no fraud.  ICANN really has no choice but to honor current IOD registrations, or be prepared to explain to the world magistrate why they (ICANN) let the sham continue.


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