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Username: wiredz
Date/Time: Fri, October 27, 2000 at 12:40 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Mr Ambler is a basher


Dear Mr Ambler you wrote the items in quotes:

        "Actually, if you read the reply, you will see that Dave Crocker is a paid consultant to NeuStar, who, with Melbourne IT, has their 11th-hour application for .web also."

   So what? Are you saying Mr Crocker cannot comment on the factual mistakes done by MSNBC? The Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server that IOD plans to use to run its .WEB Registry is far from perfect, and now you are praising a biased MSNBC article. I am 99% sure IOD bribed MSNBC to come out with those distorted facts.

"Mr. Crocker was also a member of the IAHC and CORE, the failed power-grab that tried to take .web in 1997."

   IODesign is also another BIGGER failure - it lost 2 (TWO) major lawsuits in the internet landscape. CORE and IAHC never lost even a single lawsuit.

"His credibility is gone, and his judgement suspect."

   Sir, who the heck are you to question someone's credibility when you yourself do not have any credibility? I am not a lawyer but I believe Mr Cocker can sue you for slander, libel if he wants.

   Anyway, Image Online Design *MAY* be meeting JVTeam in court soon. I used the word "MAY" because, I cannot predict for sure who will get .WEB, be it NeuStar or Afilias. IOD is out definitely since its application has no merits. But under the 1st ammendment, IOD has its right to sue. The judge too has 1st ammendment rights which is the right to dismiss IOD lawsuit.

--Eugene Kang



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