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Username: huguesdb
Date/Time: Sat, November 4, 2000 at 12:38 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Since when does a company have to lose money?



Personally I think it is the sign of a GOOD business plan to make money in year 1. It is not OBLIGATORY to blow away millions of (venture) capital before making a dime. Look at the current back-lash against internet startups. One particular .com, which I will not mention, spent 130 Million UD$ in its first year of operation. It was live on the net for just a few months.

Second point, even if a company you direct or own makes lots of money, it does not mean you are rich personally.

Thirdly, if IOD does make a lot of money, given that the new TLDs will GREATLY ENHANCE COMPETITION ( they will, won't they?), that is good!

Hugues Du Bois


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