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Username: huguesdb
Date/Time: Wed, November 1, 2000 at 12:50 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Interesting!!!



Sorry to have disappointed you... but yes, I guess the sampling is biased and I am aware that even if opinions are not scientific, they do help make policy.

The interesting point is what is behind "The .web data is a bit abnormal... there are over 11'000 votes but just 44 domains? Can you explain this?"

If I understand correctly, everybody wants .web but no-one actually reserves a name with name-space.

I love statistics... you can make them say exactly what you want!!!

You say
>The word "shop" is unique to the English Speaking countries, >whereas "web" is clearly known world-wide...

Not quite. Most Europeans I know will go 'shopping' whatever language they speak. I am sure the word 'shop' is much better known than the word 'web' - which, by the way, is difficalt to pronounce in French.

Best regards,
Hugues Du Bois


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