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Username: anthony 2nd
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 11:23 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.73 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: ICANN can still save itself


         Considerable criticism has been levies at ICANN for the way it has handlesd this matter so far.

It is true that you cannot please everyone all of the time.

Nevertheless, it seems clear that at least at some level, ICANN is plagued by corruption and is struggling to deal with it.

The announcement on 1 November that 4 of its members had recursed their voting rights came a month after the applications were presented.

It would seem that the three members that had kept silent were trying to get away with it.

The silence surrounding Ken Stubbs' involvment in the decision making leads one to assume the worst.

Finally ICANNS assurance that the process with be fair and open is largely disbelieved only because it comes as a part of ICANNS own dictatorial approach to business.

If ICANN awards the new TLDs in a way which is generally seen as unfair then the repercussions will surely be damaging for the internet community as well as the individuals concerned.

Vote for Image Online and Name Space - Pioneer Preference is the fairest way and these two have fought hardest and longest.

Lets face it the .web thing was a good idea! Its popular and it has people squabbling over it now so it will surely be a good choice.

Do not make the mistake of selling out to the big companies, NSI is big enough already without the rest of Afilias. As a group they controle too much of tyhe net already.

JVTeam and Core have fingers in most of the pies but their motives and credablilty are doubtful to say the least. There are too many overlaps with the Afilias group and Ken Stubbs to allow real competition in the markey. I find the whole thing most suspicious.



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