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Username: ian-francis-xavier
Date/Time: Fri, October 20, 2000 at 2:02 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: IODesign OBEYED the Rules UNlike Network Solutions alliance with


Thankyou for exposing the FACT that PRE-registrations were acknowledged and accepted in 1993...IOD obeyed the rules, they charged a nominal $35.00 for ALL pre-registrations with the explicit notice of the inherent risks.....Please go to NETworkSolutions and try to register a .com  CANCER site... such as ...NETWORK Solutions states is UNavaible but will then pop their link (thanks to cooperative relationship with Network solutions) in your face & suggest you register for $7,000 thousand DOLLARS.... or try Breast ....or think up some perverted name ... and some Afilias member may be auctioning it off.....i hope GOD sends Afilias members whom AUCTiON  child porn site registrations to BURN in HELL !!!!      


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