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Username: PHXbird
Date/Time: Wed, October 18, 2000 at 7:18 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Just got "bulk-mailed" by NSI


        In an e-mail from Network Solutions:

"Expanding the dot universe," THE DOT COM NEWS: Qrtly. Newsletter-October 2000

they want me to buy the following services:  registrations in .tv, .net, .org, ccTLD's, register domains in other languages, register in 192 countries, check back with them for new TLDs,...

Are they trying to soak up all the funds from "regular Joe Internetuser"?

Against the backdrop of this forum, with all the emotion exhibited, I hesitated to post the info that I received this e-mail, because it was sent to people who had registered a name with them       


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