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Username: For The People
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 11:11 AM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: The reason you want the .web registrations cancelled......


   . . . you're jealous. Plain and simple.

You would vote for them to scrub .com too, wouldn't you.

Sir, things have always been equal. Anyone was allowed to register a .web with IOD. The only thing was--it was at risk.

Life is at risk, pal. Nothing is guaranteed. A person who loses in the stock market doesn't say, "Okay, that was just a test. Now give me back my money."

And if a person MAKES money because the market favors him, do you have a right to demand his shares, because you didn't take the risk?

And your ignorance that the chance was there, is not an acceptable reason either. I am ignorant about a whole slew of things, pal. And guess what. . . I have to live with those lost opportunities--not crush those who saw them.

This is life.

ICANN: Be an agency for the People as well as an agency devoted to corporate interests.

Bring IOD's .web into the Internet root, and allow .web to become the TLD of the People.

Then grant us protection.

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